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Family Law Attorney Loomis and Loomis is located in Boca Raton Latitude: 26.392244 Longitude: -80.075983.

Child Custody

Practice Areas


Child Custody in South Florida


Due to of the complexity and emotional nature of child custody and support cases, it is crucial to have experienced legal representation. The Law Office of Loomis & Loomis, P.A. is a leading child custody law firm serving South Florida. We also handle international child custody issues.


At Loomis & Loomis, P.A., we have the experience to assist you in protecting your custody interests during divorce or in a dispute between grandparents, custodial parents or unmarried parents. We take the time to understand your family’s unique situation and develop an appropriate solution to protect your custody interests and the related issue of child support.


Custody Case Factors


Our child custody attorneys in Florida help you navigate the legal standards used to determine custody. Some factors that are usually considered by the court include:


• The child’s preference

• The ability of the parents to provide for the child’s well being

• Stability in the home environment

• The mental and physical health of each parent

• The financial standing of each parent


The court considers the same factors when determining visitation. We can assist you in your pursuit of a fair custody agreement through knowledgeable advice and skilled representation.


Contact a Custody Lawyer Today


The Law Office of Loomis & Loomis, P.A. has experience in dealing with difficult cases, including those involving domestic physical and emotional abuse and cases when parents have violated court orders. No matter how complicated, serious, or emotionally-charged your situation is, Loomis & Loomis, P.A. has the experience and dedication to assist you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a South Florida custody lawyer.



Case regaring complex custody dispute in South Florida

"Loomis & Loomis are amazing attorneys who get the job done! They are hard working, caring, tough, assertive, reliable, knowledgeable, and have an excellent courtroom demeanor...."

Anonymous ~ Boca Raton

Kerry Loomis, Esq.

Isabell Loomis, Esq.


The Boca Raton based Law Firm of Loomis & Loomis P.A. provides quality divorce and family matter legal services to clients throughout South Florida serving Palm Beach and Broward counties.

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4800 N. Federal Highway

Suite B 305

Boca Raton, FL 33431

Ph: (561) 393-1433

Fax: (561) 393-5322 


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The Law Office of Loomis & Loomis | Divorce Lawyers | Boca Raton, Florida 33431

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